Planetary Emissions Management was created in 2007 to pursue innovative technologies to monitor, measure, verify and account for GHG’s across the planetary surface.

In addition to direct measurement, PEM is pioneering methods to transform directly measured GHG composition and flux into new, unique and verified financial GHG products for sale to voluntary and compliance buyers worldwide.

PEM’s R&D efforts are focused on emerging technologies as components of the Global Monitoring Platform (GMP). The GMP emphasizes integration of a portable analyzer for field measurement of 14CO2



Planetary Emissions Management Inc. is  pursuing new and emerging technologies, such as the iRIS-III, for high precision determination of 14CO2 in a portable analyzer.  High frequency and high precision data for 14CO2 are required to track, analyze, manage and monetize fossil fuel derived CO2 in the biosphere. Humanities perturbation to the climate system cannot be fully understood, managed or monetized without increased data for 14CO2. New 14CO2 data for diverse ecosystems, including the soil carbon pool, are likely to yield a better understanding of their response to changing climate.


The Global Monitor Platform (GMP) is a multi-isotopic integrated field measurement platform. The GMP components may include commercial 12C and 13C analyzers for CO2 and experimental field analyzer modules for 14CO2 such as the iRIS-III analyzer now under development. The GMP can be configured to include CH4, N2O and their isotopic species available from commercial vendors. The GMP enables direct measurement of GHG’s across diverse project types, small and large. When coupled with well developed field methods to determine GHG fluxes, PEM provides commercially available comprehensive data for GHG budgets and verification of fossil-fuel emission reduction reporting. The GMP can be deployed to detect fraud in fossil-fuel emission reduction claims.


The System of Systems (SoS) network consists of GMP sensor nodes (e.g., 12,13,14CO2 analyzers including the iRIS-III) across the geographical boundaries of a project site. The SoS is designed to monitor  net carbon flux at local-to-regional scales, produce automated reports, respond to remote commands and result in verified data for carbon financial instruments. Carbon standards and third party verification are employed at multiple scales to ensure harmonization of data and carbon financial instruments across analyzers in one or multiple networks.