Direct Measurement GHG Offset Products, Planet Alpha Corp.

 PEM’s affiliate, Planet Alpha Corp., offers directly measured project offsets to all buyers of voluntary and compliance offsets. Direct measurement of land use changes and net flux of greenhouse gasses define Scope 1 and 3 criteria for reliable and verifiable environmental, social, and governance objectives (ESG) and reporting. Direct Air Capture leakage performance services and products are available. Please inquire for more information.

PEM supports the National Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Measurement, Monitoring, and Information System []: The National Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Measurement, Monitoring and Information System seeks to guide collective efforts by providing the following:

• A conceptual framework for a U.S. GHG Measurement, Monitoring, and Information System (hereafter referred to as U.S. GHGMMIS or GHGMMIS).
• A set of national objectives to focus collective GHG measurement and monitoring efforts for federal and non-federal entities.
• A phased implementation approach that maximizes the use of mature capabilities today, while paving the way for future GHGMMIS advancements.

An integrated U.S. GHGMMIS consists of capabilities and activities from three core components: 1) GHG data derived from activity-level estimates and/or atmospheric measurements, 2) standards and methods for quality assurance and quality control, and 3) modeling of systems and activities that produce GHG emissions and removals. This National Strategy seeks to leverage existing work and accelerate the integration of the three core components to provide high-quality GHG information to government and nongovernment users on a sustained basis. The U.S. GHGMMIS will rely on the coordinated use of both atmospheric- and activity-based approaches as well as engagement with stakeholders to better understand evolving needs for GHG information and how the GHGMMIS can be responsive to those needs.


Accordingly, PEM and Planet Alpha Corp projects are defined initially by remote imagery of the land use types and areas and directly measured net CO2 determined by satellite data, for example, employing NASA’s Orbital Carbon Observatory (OCO-2,3; AI and machine learning are employed to report changes in land use on a biannual schedule.

In addition, in-country sensors for CO2, CH4, and N2O flux over the project areas defined in the first step are deployed to capture the dynamic net flux of greenhouse gases. Direct measurement removes much of the uncertainty inherent in estimation protocols and accommodates the triarchy of anthropogenic GHGs and other Kyoto gases (SF6, HFCs, PFCs), that cannot be realistically included with traditional protocols.

Direct measurement employs QC/QA checks at 30″ intervals based on shared international third-party standards and references. All sensors are comparable across all locations.


An automated intelligent sensor reporting architecture, the System of Systems, collects data, performs additional checks, makes calculations, and reports monetized product information on an hourly basis. Authorized system and project users access a project dashboard for summary project data.